Wednesday, September 17, 2008

David, the King, and his coming Son

Though Judges ends with the statement that there was no king in Israel in those days and "everyone did what was right in his own eyes" the desire for a king "like the nations around them" was less than an ideal response by the people. A king who reflected God's sovereign rule and acted as his vice-regent would be quite different from the "deified" status of the pagan kings. Saul's failure is followed by God's unlikely choice of Jessie's youngest son, David. We certainly see David's failures and his "humanness" as the story unfolds, but he loves God and does not waver toward idolatry. The promise is given in the Davidic covenant of an ideal Son who would have an eternal reign. This forward looking hope won't be fulfilled until we get to "Act 4" of the "Drama of Redemption" and the sending of Messiah Jesus.
Dr. Nash

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