Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Story

I thought it might be good to start with a short account of my own story.
In 1979, I was called to serve as a juror on a murder trial. A man had killed his wife; his plea was temporary insanity. She had become a "born again Christian," and he said that her talk about religion, God, and Jesus, drove him to a state of temporary insanity, when he killed her. As evidence was presented in the course of the trial, witnesses were brought in to testify of the change in that woman's life. To me it seemed like a very positive change. They spoke of the peace she seemed to have, and of the assurance she had that she was going to heaven. As the jury began deliberating we were sequestered in a hotel. I noticed a book on a night stand by my bed, and began reading a Gideon Bible. For the first time in my life, I read John 3:16. It sounded too good to be true. I always felt that if I were to get to heaven it would be through my good works, now I was reading that it was through faith in Jesus and his finished work that I could be saved. After the trial concluded, I went home and tried to tune into the "Rock" radio station I liked in those days, and "accidentally" heard the radio program "Unshackled!" (from the Pacific Garden Mission, in Chicago). I realized I was hearing the same story in another life, that as God comes into someone’s life through faith in Jesus, they don't simply hope they might get to heaven someday, they know they are forgiven and have full assurance of salvation. They gave an invitation. I recognized my need, that my sin had separated me from God, and trusted in the finished work of Jesus Christ for my salvation.
He did it all, my part was simply to believe and receive.
I soon sensed God was calling me to the ministry and I withdrew from the night classes I was taking at a secular college and the next semester began attending Northeastern Bible College. From there I went on to Westminster Theological Seminary for further study in the Biblical languages. After finishing a masters degree I went on for a Ph.D. in hermeneutics and biblical interpretation, focusing on on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. The Lord has given me opportunities to serve him in pastoral ministry and as a seminary teacher on the mission field.

My life purpose is to know God intimately, to love him passionately, and to serve him joyfully as a part of his church, and to use my gifts, experiences, and abilities to help others grow as his disciples.

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